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How to relax after training?

Here are some great tips on how to relax after your hard training before sleep.

1) Upside-Down Relaxation
Sit facing a wall (or your headboard) with your butt about 6 inches away from it.
Lie back and extend your legs up the wall.
If this is too intense a stretch for your hamstrings, slide your butt farther away from the wall.
If it's not enough, scoot closer.
Let your arms rest by your sides, palms facing up, and breathe gently, feeling the stretch in the backs of your legs.

2) Winding Down Twist
Sit cross-legged on the bed and exhale as you place your right hand on your left knee and left hand on the bed behind your tailbone.
Gently twist your torso to the left.
Allow your gaze to follow, looking over your left shoulder. Breathe deeply, then return to center and repeat on opposite side.

3)Nighttime Goddess Stretch
Lie on your back with knees bent.
Place the soles of your feet together, then let your knees fall open, forming a diamond shape with your legs.
Rest your arms on the bed.
If you feel any strain, elevate your legs by placing a pillow underneath each knee.

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